Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Daily Heart Print - Day 13 - Write valentines to children in the hospital fighting cancer

 a valentine in progress!
 just another beautiful piece of art
 M working hard

Happy Valentine's Day!!! I hope everyone is feeling the love today. I know I 
am. :) Today was a remarkable and exciting day for the us. As the bell rung, the children started rushing in saying "Happy Valentine's Day!" Of course with the biggest and brightest smiles on their faces. One student specifically astonished me. She took our project one step further and created Valentine's to give to others to share the joy. On her valentine she wrote about our project and shared our blog so others to can follow and join in on the fun! The disease is spreading and we are loving it!

Today's "Heart Print" was to create a valentine for a child in the hospital fighting cancer.  First off a big thank you goes out to Dr. Kent (I's dad) for joining our efforts and hand delivering the valentines to his patients. Before we created the cards, I.K. shared with us pictures, videos, and stories of some of the children he has met at his dad's work. This allowed the children to make a connection with the children. They loved the videos! We had a good discussion on the importance of laughter and how sometimes when things are hard, laughing is the best medicine. The children thought this was a great idea.

A few of my favorite jokes the children wrote were:
 What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine's Day? 
A: I'm stuck on you!
What did the boy pickle say to the girl pickle of Valentine's Day?
A: You mean a great dill to me! 

 If we laughed at them, we knew we could bring smiles to the recipients of the cards. 
I.K. and Dr. Kent will be delivering the valentines, please come back and visit us to hear about their reactions. Another big thank you goes out to all the parents to help assist in putting today's "Heart Print" together.

The children are spreading their joy everywhere and my hope is you can feel the joy too!
                                                                  Happy Valentine's Day,
                                                              Miss Anderson's Second Grade Class
 S with his finished product
 L with his finished product
 K with her finished valentine
Celebrating our hard work on Valentine's Day


  1. Great job Second Graders! I think today's "Heart Print" was a very important one. It's so important to remind people in the hospital that they are loved and to cheer them up. Ryan's grandpa is in the hospital and we've been trying to do just that. Thanks to the Kents for their help with this special project! Great work - and Happy Valentine's Day! -Mrs. Leonard

  2. Dear Second Graders:
    WOW. What a wonderful Valentine's Day all of you had today at school. And what I think is so special is that your "heart print" today is a true example of spreading joy and happiness to others. I wish I could have been there today to see the videos that Dr. Kent brought in, however, it was nice to hear about your day over dinner with Cate.

    Great work 2nd graders!!!! Keep spreading the joy!!!

    Love, Mrs. Carr (Cate's Mom)
