Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Heart Print Across The World!

 One Hen
Saving For Change
Donation: $466
        On Monday, the entire second grade at Lincoln Elementary gathered in room 5 to decide who would receive the $466 we’d collected with our hen house banks.  We donated to business people from the Philippines and Kenya. Two of the businesses’ loans were 100% funded due to our donation!  Four others were much closer to their full funding due to our donation.  The children were thrilled to see how they can make a difference by working together for others!
 The two businesses whose funding we completed were:
Samuel Muiruir                            Joyce Tetteh
Welder, Kenya                            Food provider, Philippines
 Here are the other businesses we supported:
Susan Florencio                           Jovelyn Gallena
Food preparation, Philippines      Babingka Making, Philippines

Habel Gachiri Kanuingi                Angelina Valerio
Taxi service, Kenya                       Auto repair, Phillipines

        Although we have finished our donations, the children can still play games on the One Hen web site to earn virtual beads for loans.  Please allow your children to continue to participate in the One Hen challenge and earn more beads for our Lincoln Eagles team!  Here’s the link to make participation easier:    
  One Hen: Microfinance for Kids

Continuing to spread Heart Prints around the world!
Lincoln Second Graders

1 comment:

  1. GO Lincoln 2nd Graders! This has been such an amazing project and learning experience for everyone involved. Keep up the good work 2nd Graders!
    Mrs. Carr (Cate Carr's Mom)
    PS - Hope everyone has a wonderful Spring Break!
