Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Last Heart Print - Day 28- Reflection

Sadly, our project has come to a close, but a big change has occurred in this classroom. Yesterday and today we discussed how "Heart Prints" have changed us on the inside and how it has changed our classroom, school,  and community. It is best if you read exactly what the children wrote and said....Enjoy!
First question:
What was your favorite "Heart Print"?
reading to the first graders- Three votes
Giving someone a hug -Three votes
Hold the door open for someone - Three votes
Making a snack for someone - Three votes
Giving Mrs. K our art work- Two votes
Writing someone a surprise note - 1 vote
Asking someone new to play with you at recess - 1 vote

Second Question: 
How do you think "Heart Prints" changed our class?
"Our class isn't fighting as much"
"More laughing and fun and less getting upset about cutting in line." 
"We are more kind to one another."
"Heart Prints changed us for the good. It made me a better person a bunch of other people too."
"There are lot less arguments about things that don't matter."
"Less problems!"

Third Question: 
How did "Heart Prints" make you feel?
"Heart Prints made me feel really good because I was doing something nice for people and that made them feel good."
"Happy, good, fantastic!"
"I feel like a made difference!"
"Thrilling, because when we fought it made me sad and when we used "Heart Prints" it made me feel cool!"
"I am so amazed how hard I am working to spread Heart Prints."
"They made me feel very very very good!"
"Terrific because it changed our school and my house!"
"The Heart Prints made me feel super happy!"
"Like a $1,000 dollar bill."
"Great, fantastic, awesome!"
"Amazing because I am doing kind things for other people." 
"Heart Prints made me feel amazing!"
"It felt very good inside."
"I feel really good because people feel really good that we helped them!"

I hope you enjoyed these comments as much as I do. Thank you for all your support throughout our project. We hope we have touched you in someone way....

Doing kind things that stay with someone forever...Miss Anderson's Second Grade Class


  1. This class ROCKS! I'm happy that you are 2nd graders so that you will be at Lincoln for another 2 years once this school year is over. I hope you continue to make your heart prints at school, home and in your community. Great work!
    -Ms. Nelson

  2. This has been such a wonderful project. I haven’t seen all of the good deeds that have been performed at school, but I have been impressed by the notes, the calls, the kindness, and the consideration that I have witnessed at home. I hope that your future 2nd graders will be able to experience the Daily Heart Prints project.

    -Mr. Gearhart
